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Develpreneur: Become a Better Developer and Entrepreneur

Dec 29, 2017

We all have busy lives.  That is just a part of modern life.  However, those of us in the develpreneur world can have it even worse.  Sleeping well can be quite a challenge when you are facing deadlines and always trying to push for that next goal.  Nevertheless, sleep is a critical factor in health and even long-term...

Dec 27, 2017

A Side Hustle will typically earn money by trading hours for dollars.  There is a hustle or level of work that is required.  However, there is also income related to that hustle.  This is a good step towards total success and we need to move forward from hustle to passive income.  In other words, do not simply invest in...

Dec 25, 2017

Across the hundreds of programming languages, there are some similarities.  These even fall into types of development language families.  When you are looking at how to expand your technical skills these complementary languages can speed your growth.  The key is to start with fundamentals and use those to grow to less...

Dec 22, 2017

We have a full schedule and are always busy.  That is no excuse for skipping exercise.  In fact, staying healthy is a critical key to success.  In this episode, we look at some ways to keep your body healthy.  Better yet, how to do this without sacrificing too much of that all-important resource: time.

Staying Healthy...

Dec 20, 2017

There is an old saying that we should underpromise and overdeliver.  This may seem obvious to us, but it is worth considering in our career and business.  In fact, this approach is one of the best recipes for success in both your individual career and that of your company or employer.

Underpromise and Overdeliver to...