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Develpreneur: Become a Better Developer and Entrepreneur

Apr 30, 2018

There are a broad range of reasons for logging or tacking the work we do.  In technology work, we have such a varied bunch of tasks we perform that this becomes a crucial habit for avoiding re-inventing the wheel.  At a high level, logging your work is a good habit.  Thus, let's look at the ways this can be a benefit...

Apr 27, 2018

Hope is a critical factor in a happy life and, in my opinion, that includes thinking big.  The challenge is in remembering that any goal we set is a journey, not a "beam me up, Scotty" teleportation to that end.  This can crush our hopes if we see that goal as too big to get to from here.  Do not throw out your goals...

Apr 25, 2018

One of the most influential ways to improve your site is through recording users.  When I say record, this is not just noting where they clicked.  This is a recording that allows you to see the site as they do and watch as they navigate around.  It is data that can be viewed on a per visit basis or aggregated to produce...

Apr 23, 2018

In this episode, we continue the series of overview discussions.  This time around we will cover a databases overview.  We looked at SDLC in the prior installment of this series and will discuss databases in a two-parter.  This first part includes definitions and high-level summaries of database engines, types, and...

Apr 20, 2018

It is not uncommon to hear some give you free advice and follow up by saying you get what you pay for.  Sometimes that is true.  Unfortunately, bad advice can cost a lot if you follow it.  On the other hand, paying for advice does not guarantee its value either.  It is important to consider the pros and cons of the...