Jul 30, 2018
In the prior episode, we started out our coding of a solution for a specific case. Now we move on to the general case problem-solving code. Some of this work may have been completed in your general solution, but it is worth looking over these to craft the best solution.
Jul 27, 2018
We built a foundation for our application in the last episode. Now, we move into solving the problem that our customers will pay for. This step is just putting our plan on the computer and handling a single case. Our actions should be defined in our specification to the point that this is relatively easy.
Jul 25, 2018
A challenge that we all face in our service offering is setting the development pricing. We know what our salary is and what we would like to earn. However, we also want to be fair in our pricing to both our customers and ourselves. In this episode, we look at the factors to consider in setting your rate as well as...
Jul 23, 2018
Jul 20, 2018