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Develpreneur: Become a Better Developer and Entrepreneur

Sep 28, 2018

A few years ago I stumbled across the ideas of heatmaps and recording for websites.  This is one of the most potent user experience improvement tools available.  The ability for visitor recording alone brings the task of watching a room full of users to your fingertips.

Visitor Recording

If you have not experienced this...

Sep 26, 2018

We continue our exploration of the creation patterns with a look at the Factory Method.  This is a pattern where we see that instantiation is sometimes better when deferred.  We do not always know all we need to at instantiation time.  Thus, we need a pattern to address holding off on that step until we have the...

Sep 24, 2018

In this episode, we look at the migration group of services.  We have already discussed a few of these and will focus on the ones that are new to us.  These services are the Migration Hub, Application Discovery,  and the Application Migration Service. We looked at the database migration service and the "snow" family of...

Sep 21, 2018

There have been a lot of excellent free and low-cost reviewed already.  However, this week we continue our "shopping" with a look at code review and analysis applications.  This used to be an area where all of the solutions were pricey.  Fortunately, SAAS options, improved automation, and well-defined best practices...

Sep 19, 2018

In this episode, we look at the Builder pattern.  This one is another creational pattern that helps us construct the class instances for our application.  It is another pattern that could be skipped through brute-force and a wide range of constructors, but I think you will see this is a much better approach.

The Builder...