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Develpreneur: Become a Better Developer and Entrepreneur

Jan 31, 2020

Hackers are everywhere.  Thus, security and authentication are essential pieces of software architecture.  There are so many common features of application security available it may seem like no real thought is needed.  You can just grab the essential features "off the shelf."  Nevertheless, there is much to nail down...

Jan 29, 2020

Systems and solutions will grow if they are successful.  Therefore, it is essential for us to consider whether this will be handled by scaling up or scaling out.  There are many ways that a solution will need to grow.  There can be limitations based on processing, storage, network, or other areas.  Each of these can...

Jan 27, 2020

Nearly every solution includes some manner of administrative tools.  These tools range from scripts and manual process steps to full graphical interfaces and wizards.  No matter the form these take, they must be considered as part of architecting a solution.  Their very nature is for it to work hand in glove with the...

Jan 24, 2020

No matter what we build, there is always a foundation of some sort.  In software, the core component architecture provides us that foundation.  These are the models or objects that provide the framework for all of the other functions.  When you design these core pieces of your solution, it is essential to get them...

Jan 22, 2020

The modern world is full of options to connect your app to the Internet.  Nevertheless, there are cases where you will have a sometimes connected application.  This situation impacts architecture and needs to be understood before starting.  "Sometimes" is a challenging situation to handle with your architecture.  Thus,...