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Develpreneur: Become a Better Developer and Entrepreneur

Dec 28, 2023

We wrap up our Bryan Clayton interview with his stories and suggestions for building and vetting your team. He has built up an organization by overcoming a lot of obstacles. Those may seem unique to his company. However, there are a lot of common problems faced that he has addressed to build a trusted community...

Dec 26, 2023

We can leverage some times of the year to create longer vacations and mini-retirement experiences. There are fixed holidays and slow times that can provide a foundation for our time off, and then we tack on a day here and a day there. Likewise, we can work partial days and get things done. That can free up our days to...

Dec 21, 2023

The holidays can be a great time to catch up and get ahead with our hustles, or we can take advantage of the time to avoid burnout. While there is much to be said for the former, the latter can be far more valuable in the long run. We were not made to run at 100% all the time. Just like any machine, we need time to...

Dec 19, 2023

This episode starts a new discussion with Bryan Clayton of Your Green Pal about how he built a business and defining product features for his application. Bryan has a highly educational story about starting a new business. It continues with his approach to push that business to success. He has taken a thorough approach...

Dec 14, 2023

We continued our discussion with Mark Bolton about Generation Z and how they require a new approach to marketing and product development. This newest generation expects a different kind of product and service. They have always had digital products and services make up part of their life and they are comfortable...