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Develpreneur: Become a Better Developer and Entrepreneur

Dec 24, 2022

Our annual Christmas special includes a wish for you to embrace positive thinking during this season. Better yet, we hope you will also embrace that mindset in the year ahead. We know that confirmation bias can make us think we are correct and our view is right. Therefore, we should craft that view to be where we are content, successful, and even happy. We can help set our environment through our attitude, and it makes no sense to avoid doing so in a way that benefits us.

The Power of Positive Thinking

Many studies have been done on how our attitudes and assumptions shape our lives. This goes all the way to the core of our being and impacts our health and other areas of our personal lives. A mindset that has us looking to achieve things instead of as a victim also helps us set better goals. There is no reason to set goals when life defeats you. A positive mindset will allow you to shoot for the stars. Even if you fail to achieve those lofty goals, you will be far better off having tried and getting partly there.

A Happy Year Ahead

If nothing else, a positive attitude can help you whistle while you work or laugh more often. Those simple changes will make you more likable to those around well, lifting your spirits. A happy you is a healthy you.